• 2024 A year of Praise and Fame

    Prophets are also watchmen- lookouts. A lookout is one who leans forward to peer into the distance. The primary purpose of the watchman was to look for the dawning day, not the dark night. Prophets lean forward spiritually for the break of day.  As I lean forward spiritually through the

  • Impartation Of Wisdom and Strenght

    I keep hearing these words in my heart. “…People of strength will faint and be weary, people that depend upon their strength will utterly fall, but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they that wait upon Yahweh’s Grace shall renew their strength. Hallelujah! They shall mount

  • 2023 The Year of Abounding Grace!

    The wind has changed direction to favor us, hence we are plugged into a season of gathering in which it will take days, weeks, months, and years for us to gather. Glory!!! There’s a mighty mighty supply. His grace is enough!!! Jesus is grace personified. He is grace made flesh.

  • Rivers in Dry Places

    Rivers are opened to us in dry places in these last four months of 2020. Refreshments, Settlements. The impossibles are made possible. People will see and know that it’s has to be God. Glory! Rejoice and be glad if you have been written off by people, because there is a

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