Port Harcourt Healing Convention

Savannah Ministries worldwide outreaches out to the world via many programmes such as SOTA (savannah outreach to Africa/ Asia), publications, and Miracle & Healing Conventions.

On the 9th, 10th and 11th of May 2008, Miracle & Healing conventions was held in Port Harcourt, the state capital of Rivers state, the first of its kind held in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. It was a liaison between two churches, the Latter House, pastured by Pastor Joshua Abam, and the Mercy Seat Church pastored by Pastor P.D. Davies.

Reverend Arome Adah, the general overseer of Savannah Ministries arrived on Friday, 9th May 2008 and the programme started 6.00 pm with prayers, praise and worship, and music ministrations, there was quite a number of people in attendance, with an open heart to receive the teaching and healing ministry of Reverend Arome  Adah. He started by introducing his ministry formerly to the church and to raise their expectations by telling them the truth from God’s word. He taught on the power of words and the power of expectation. The people had to expect to be able to receive the anointing. The man at the beautiful gate had faith to be healed and he also put the corresponding action to his faith, (Acts 3). Reverend Arome Adah then ministered to the sick and everyone that needed a touch from God in any area of their lives.

Saturday morning was restricted to the teaching of the word, Reverend Arome wanted the hearts of the people ready for the evening programme because it was planned to be a laying on of hands service. He taught on the laying on of hands and gave several instances from the word of God where hands were laid on people, he said, based on God’s word that hands are laid to confer the blessing, and healing can be administered via the laying on of hands. In confirmation of God’s word, the hearts of the people were stirred in anticipation of the evening programme.

The evening programme started 6.00pm with prayers, praise and worship, Reverend Arome climbed up stage, re-capped on what was taught in the morning and went on to minister to the people, since they had been taught the word of God, their faith were in place to receive from God, and receive they did, with testimonies of healings of not just the physical body but also of the mind.

The programme was drawn to a close with the finale meeting at the Latter House Church at the mass, Trans woji, Port Harcourt.  Reverend Arome taught on the God of abundance, the people were enthusiastic about the word they had heard and were eager to go out there and put the word to work.

God through the teaching and healing ministry of Reverend Arome Adah is touching lives and changing our world starting from our immediate environment and the people of Port Harcourt are sure to remember the weekend that has changed their lives forever.

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