The wind has changed direction to favor us, hence we are plugged into a season of gathering in which it will take days, weeks, months, and years for us to gather. Glory!!! There’s a mighty mighty supply. His grace is enough!!!
Jesus is grace personified. He is grace made flesh. He is the visible expression of God’s grace. Depend on God’s grace; depend on Christ!
2023 is the year of abounding grace and His grace is enough. In Christ, God’s infinite, limitless grace is lavished on us. In this year we will see the prophetic and the miraculous.
Revelation 19:10
And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
If you want to see grace, look at Jesus. Every bit of His life is a fulfillment of prophecies. The prophetic and the miraculous are the essence of Christ. Christ who is the visible and full expression of God’s grace is characterized by the prophetic and the miraculous. The grace of God is a two-edged sword. One side is for mercy and the other side of the sword is for vengeance. 2023 is a year of vindication for Zion’s cause.
The grace of God has caused God’s judgment sword to appear in the heavens; it will descend on the land and on those doomed for judgment. God’s hand is not slack and His ears are not dull to the cry of the righteous.
Isaiah 34:16 (TPT)
Seek for Yahweh’s book and read it carefully. You will learn that none of these prophecies will fail; none will lack a fulfillment as its companion. For the Lord has issued his decree. It is his Spirit that has gathered them.
The key is to keep hearing. Let God’s grace flood your attention like never before. See and hear… God has satisfied us with His infinite Grace and with His limitless grace, mercy, and favor. Hallelujah!
God has sent His angels into our future; into our 2023, driving out every enemy from our path and providing for us, Glory to God!
I can see it. God’s infinite grace and limitless mercy released upon us; His abounding grace providing for us, each day and each month of the year; providing for us continuously.
I see victories upon victories upon victories, and I see the host of God’s people dancing their victory dance from one victory dance to the other. Prophecies are being fulfilled in their lives. The good words God has spoken over us are released over us like a flood; like rain, one holding on to the heel of the other, Glory to God.
Grace! Grace! Grace! Grace is being declared over us every single day of 2023. As we walk in the path of grace, in His counsel, in our covenant with Him… God has satisfied us with His infinite grace and with His limitless mercy and favor. Hallelujah!
In His abounding grace in 2023, we mount up with wings as eagles and we renew our strength. We grow out new wings, we learn the direction of the wind; the direction of His Spirit. We soar with the Spirit, Glory to God! We let loose our sail, and like the ship, we sail with the wind.
“But those who wait for Yahweh’s grace will experience divine strength…” so we wait for Yaweh’s grace. Wait for Yaweh’s grace! As you wait for Yaweh’s grace, you experience His divine strength. You will grow out new wings like eagles, hence you will rise up and soar with soaring wings like eagles. You will run your race without growing weary and you will walk through life without giving up.
We stand immovable, steadfast, abounding in the grace of God. We rely completely upon Him. Oh, brethren, we rely upon Him completely! And ultimately, that is what prayer is: to rely completely upon God. We stand still, we wait upon Him, Glory to God, we wait upon His grace, we wait upon what He has done for us and receive these victories.…
As I lift my hands to the Lord, I see it raining. I see it raining, raining heavily all around us. In response to our prayers, it is raining: it is raining your desires, it’s raining grace. It’s raining mercy, it’s raining. I see it raining. Lift up your hands and thank Him for the rain. Hallelujah! It’s raining, hallelujah! Thank Him for the rain. I can see it raining over our ministries, over our churches, and over our businesses, hallelujah! It’s raining over our nation, it’s raining over those parastatals, it’s raining over everything we have our hands on, and the rain is causing the earth to yield her fatness; to yield abundance. Where once stood a desert is becoming a fruitful field and a forest. Trees that stood barren are becoming fruitful trees, feeding multitudes. Impossible doors that seemed shut are being flung open in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. The valleys are being filled up, and the mountains are being demolished, and there are highways where there seemed to be no way. Our God who made a way through the Red Sea and charted a path in the wilderness has done the same again for us in His mercy and in His grace. He has made ways for us where seemingly there were no ways. Through impossible situations, He has charted a course and a way for us. The God who caused water to come out of a rock and caused meat to come down from the heavens, the same God has done even more for us in His grace. “In these times we are in”, saith God, “I have done much more in My grace.”
Hahaha! Hence, our mouths are filled with laughter, and we rejoice.
Sounds of rejoicing and laughter in this year will be heard in our houses and in our camps. Men will hear from afar, shouts of rejoicing, dancing, and celebrations in our camps. Oh, I give You praise, Lord!
I can see, right before me, fortified gates flinging open for us as we come. And I’m reminded of what happened to Peter while he was in prison. The angel came and smote him, and he woke up to find that the chains had fallen off, and the angel opened the first gate, and he came forth. The angel opened the second gate and he came forth, and as he was approaching, the third gate opened of its own accord, hallelujah! Gates! Doors! They are opening unto us. Chains are falling off, hallelujah! Where we once stood limited in the past, the limits have been taken off, glory to God! The chains have fallen off; the gates are open, and we are now limitless, hallelujah! “Where barriers and borders had been placed around you, those borders have been removed”, saith God. “Lift up your eyes and see, those borders are no more. The limits are taken away.”
Thank You, Lord!
His words have brought light, and we receive light shining in the year 2023, hallelujah! We can see, glory to God! The limits have been taken away, glory to God! Thank You Lord Jesus.
As we go into 2023, God has gone ahead of us subduing the nations under us and placing the people under our feet. There is fire emanating from us, opening every door on our path, burning every enemy in our midst…at first we are walking, then we are running and then we’ll be soaring on wings like the eagles.
Oh! Fight the good fight of faith. Stretch! Stretch in the realm of the Spirit and lay hold on what He has gotten for you. Lay hold on what He has gotten for you. Hey! What grace has gotten for you. Lay hold, by your faith, on what He has gotten for you in the Name of Jesus Christ.
This is our God, the great and mighty One, the terrible One in battle, fighting for us. He is our covenant Partner, hallelujah! He is our covenant Partner. He has gone ahead of us! Oh Glory to God! I keep hearing that, so rejoice and be glad. He has gone ahead of you. Hallelujah! He has gone ahead of you, conquering for you, placing things on your path every day of every week of every month of 2023. God places things on our path. It’s no wonder the Bible says, “… daily He loads us with His benefits… with His goodness…”. Daily, He loads us with His goodness!
Oh, Hallelujah! We rejoice! We rejoice and we are glad for the Lord directs our steps. For His word says, “The steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord”.
He directs and orders our steps. Each step that we take in 2023 is ordered by the Lord, and each one comes with brighter glory! A brighter glory! For you will see your enemy on your right-hand fallen; on your left-hand fallen, Glory to God! Ahead of you they are fallen. All you need to do is to keep taking steps; keep taking the steps of faith that you are taking. Each step is a step of peace in the peace of God that passes understanding. You keep taking these steps of faith in peace, for the grace of God envelops you. In the midst of turmoil; in the midst of war; in the midst of crisis, the peace of God that passeth all understanding guards your heart. And in that peace, you take your step and you move in the power of God; in the wisdom of God; in the strength of God. Hallelujah! And you will see yourself standing at the mountaintop, unscathed, unharmed, completely victorious on every side, glory to God! Thank You Lord! And suddenly, you will see yourself standing on the other side, at the top of the mountain, unharmed and unscathed for God has granted you victory, hallelujah! And none of the schemes of the enemy, none of the wars, the fights or the troubles of the enemy will touch you, for God has kept His own just as He promised He would. He has kept His own. God has kept His own as He promised He would. He has kept His own! Hallelujah! God has kept His own as He has promised He would. He has kept His own! It shall be a time of war, but God has kept His own as He has promised; unscathed, unharmed, victorious, glory to God!
Rev. Arome Adah
General overseer
Savannah Ministries