Teaching Absolute persuasion in God’s word
My wonders, abundance is ever available. Execute to the last a detail, that’s the way forward. Would thou be quiet enough saith God. When you tried to figure it out
Relaxing in the Son
They that are for you are more than they that are against you. I see a green field flourishing and beautiful, that’s where we have entered into to dwell. I
Teaching On the Name of Jesus
Command your desires to manifest for you and stay with it till you have your desires because you have the name of Jesus. Speak in the name of Jesus. Stand
Lift up your eyes
Lift up your eyes and see, all around you is increasing Breaking forth over you. Have you not heard, great shall be thy increase because you are taught of the
Stay your eyes upon my spoken words
Stay your eyes upon my spoken words Let what you feel be a liar Let what you hear be a liar Let what you see be a liar Let my
Surely the end has come and the expectations shall be met
Surely the end has come and the expectations shall be met. That the end of that lack, financial struggle has come. Have I not told you in my word, the
Already experiencing God’s overflow
Just like Joseph that found himself in the pit just when he had had his dreams, but 13 years later, the whole world not just his family was bowing down
The words of the Holy Spirit
I see something, as though am standing in a chaotic place then I see ahead of me a bright and beautiful rainbow- sharp. God says there are some who have
Open your eyes and see
The season is now, it’s here Step out for the new season. Wake up for your sleep. Step out in faith The time is now, here, rise up with me
Step out into your millions
Step out into your millions. It’s here saith God it’s faster than you think. Do not forget your source! God is your source! Don’t forget to honor constantly with your